The History Site
Portland Fire History
1853 to Today
Welcome. This site is not an official site for Portland Fire & Rescue, the Portland Firefighter's Association, or the Retired Portland Firefighter's and Widows Association. That said, all three play a role in this because the site represents the history of Portland Fire & Rescue from the "agitations" for a fire department in about 1850 leading up to modern times.
This site exists to preserve the history of Portland Fire. The host was tasked with unraveling the poorly kept documents, stories, and histories of the organzation during the development of the Safety Learning Center in Portland, Oregon. With no other public venue through which to share, this web site was created so the many stories and images of Portland Fire & Rescue can be enjoyed by many.
The history of Portland Fire is not now, nor will it ever be, complete. New stories are continually being discovered and documented. Many of those come from past members, or might be driven by the curiosity of current members. If you have a story, image, or document to lend to this rich history, please contact this page to contribute it to the cause.
Thank you for visiting.
Don Porth - Retired Portland Firefighter
History is not there for you to like or dislike, it exists as a lesson from the past. If it offends you, even better because you are less likely to repeat the failures of days gone by and more likely to replicate the successes. It is not yours to erase, it is yours from which to study and learn. It belongs to all.
Been A While Since You Visited? Check For Recent Revisions.
2024-12-09 - Update Chronology of Portland Fire Stations (Portland Fire Stations)
2024-12-03 - The Care and Honoring of Portland's Fallen Firefighters (Ultimate Sacrifice)
2024-11-03 - Updated 1924 American LaFrance Pumpers (Apparatus)
2024-10-06 - Updated 1924 American LaFrance Pumpers (Apparatus)
2024-09-02 - Updated Shirlee Ann Memorial and Trust Fund (Stories)
2024-08-30 - Updated David Campbell - The Full Story (David Campbell)
2024-08-12 - Updated The Legacy of Chief Lee Holden (Portland Fire Stations)
2024-07-27 - Station 32 Rock Garden (Misc.)
2024-07-24 - Updated Chronology of Portland Fire Stations (Portland Fire Stations)
2024-07-24 - Updated N Portland Fire Station Tour (Portland Fire Stations)
2024-07-24 - Updated Fire Stations In Portland (Portland Fire Stations)
2024-05-07 - Updated Fire Stations In Portland (Portland Fire Stations)
2024-05-07 - Updated N Portland Station Tour (Portland Fire Stations)
2024-05-07 - Updated SW Portland Station Tour (Portland Fire Stations)
2024-05-07 - Updated Chronology of Portland Fire Stations (Portland Fire Stations)
2024-05-02 - Rudy Canuto - Longest Serving (People)
2024-04-25 - Updated LODD Book (Ultimate Sacrifice)
2024-04-19 - Portland Fire's Pension Evolution (Misc)
2024-04-15 - Updated Badges and Patches Story (Misc)
2024-03-26 - Portland Fire's Work Schedules (Misc)
2024-03-17 - The Chamber of Commerce Building Fire (Stories)
2024-03-01 - The Chronology of Portland Fire Stations (Portland Fire Stations)
2024-02-29 - Updated All Fire Station Descriptions - (Portland Fire Stations)
2024-02-27 - Update David Campbell - The Boxer (David Campbell)
2024-02-27 - Update Multnomah Village Fire Department (Stories)
2024-02-23 - Update Fire Chief's List (People)
2024-01-13 - Updated Apparatus Spreadsheet (Apparatus)
2024-01-02 - Update The Ed Johann Story (People)
2023-12-10 - Lost Stories Of Portland Firefighters in WWII (Stories)
2023-12-06 - Update Portland Fire Stations (Portland Fire Stations)
2023-11-26 - The Legacy of Fire Chief Lee Holden (Portland Fire Stations)
2023-11-04 - Update LODD Book (Ultimate Sacrifice)
2023-08-07 - Update LODD Book (Ultimate Sacrifice)
2023-08-03 - Update David Campbell Memorial Registry of Historic Places (David Campbell)
2023-07-25 - Update Fire Boats and the Harbor Patrol (Appartus)
2023-07-18 - The Worst Fire In Portland History? (Stories)
2023-07-05 - David R Kingsley Military Career (People)
2023-06-29 - Update Fireboat Names and Specifications (Apparatus)
2023-06-21 - Update of Fire Chief and Fire Marshal lists (People)
2023-04-30 - Update of Portland Apparatus Spreadsheet (Apparatus)
2023-04-30 - Update of The David Campbell Full Story (David Campbell)
2023-04-10 - Alphabetical, By Date, and Map of Firefighters Section (Firefighters Section Lone Fir)
2023-04-10 - Exit The Fire Horse (Stories)
2023-04-02 - Update Portland Firehorses (Stories)
2023-03-27 - Update Line of Duty Death List (Ultimate Sacrifice)
2023-03-18 - Update of The Jay Stevens Story (People)
2023-03-15 - The Jack H. Luihan Water Ambulance (Stories)
2023-03-15 - Truck Company Numbering (Stories)
2023-03-15 - The Story of Squad 1 (Stories)
2023-03-09 - The Truck 1 Story (Stories)
2023-03-06 - Update Portland Fireboat Specifications (Apparatus)
2023-03-04 - Update Part 2 The Volunteer Era (Stories)
2023-02-18 - Thomas Gavin Story (People)
2023-01-27 - 1981 District 10 Yearbook (Stories)
2023-01-10 - Portland Fire Stations - Updated - (Stations)
2023-01-09 - Ed Johann Story (People)
2023-01-09 - Portland Fire Training - updated - (Stories)
2023-01-09 - The Fred Roberts Story (People)
2023-01-08 - Organization & Methods of the City Of Portland (Stories)
2022-12-07 - Updated Jay Stevens Story (People)
2022-10-30 - Jay Stevens Car Story (Apparatus)
2022-10-19 - 1913 Steel Bridge Fire (Stories)
2022-10-19 - Updated Lone Fir Cemetery Alphabetical and by Date listing (Firefighters Section)
2022-10-14 - Updated Fireboats and the Harbor Patrol Story (Apparatus)
2022-09-29 - Updated Aaron Frank, Honorary Fire Chief (People)
2022-09-27 - Updated Apparatus Spreadsheet (Apparatus)
2022-08-13 - Harry Morgan (People)
2022-08-13 - Oscar H. Peterson (People)
2022-08-03 - Portland Fire History Account 1895 (Stories)
2022-08-03 - Three Organizations Remaining after the Volunteer Era (Misc)
2022-08-03 - Colonel - The Fire Horse (Stories)
2022-08-03 - Portland Fire Members in 1862 (Misc)
2022-08-03 - Aaron Frank, Honorary Fire Chief (People)
2022-07-05 - Chief Fire Investigator List (People)
2022-05-26 - Portland Firefighters In World War II (Stories)
2022-04-09 - Station 34 - The Webfooter Newsletter (Misc)
2022-03-24 - The Tillerrman (Misc)
2022-03-16 - Update Heritage Sites (Portland Fire Stations)
2022-02-17 - Update Line of Duty Death List (Ultimate Sacrifice)
2022-01-31 - Firefighters / Maltese / Florian Cross (Misc)
2022-01-31 - Update Line Of Duty Death List (Ultimate Sacrifice)
2022-01-25 - Update Fire Alarm Telegraph (Stories)
2022-01-22 - Update Crash of Flight 173 (Stories)
2022-01-09 - Local 43 Presidents (Portland Firefighters Association)
2022-01-01 - Apparatus Spreadsheet 1853 to 2021 (Apparatus)
2021-12-18 - Station Tours By Quadrant (Portland Fire Stations)
2021-12-16 - Looking For Past Portland Firefighters? (People)
2021-12-09 - Apparatus Spreadsheet 1853 to 2021 (Apparatus)
2021-12-04 - Update Line of Duty Death Records (Ultimate Sacrifice)
2021-11-02 - Forest Park Fire History (Stories)
2021-09-13 - 1920 Oregonian Newspaper Artiicle on PFD (Stories)
2021-08-26 - Updated due to demolition of Station 2
2021-08-24 - Portland Firefighters Stephen Skidmore and Henry Weinhard
2021-06-20 - Retirement of Fireboat David Campbell Video (Apparatus)
2021-05-25 - Added 1951 Kenworth 4x4 Engine (Apparatus)
2021-05-19 - Updated Fire Marshal History (People)
2021-04-27 - Added Other Owned Apparatus (Apparatus)
2021-04-20 - Added Other Owned Apparatus (Apparatus)
2021-04-14 - Updated Firefighters Section List and Map (Firefighter's Section)
2021-04-12 - David Campbell Memorial Video (David Campbell)
2021-03-31 - Bargains Galore Fire (Stories)
2021-03-27 - Portland Toy & Joy Makers (Stories)
2021-03-23 - Williams/Bruen (Stories); Gilman Letter, Portland Firefigher, (Misc.)
2021-03-17 - Multnomah Village FD and Sellwood Volunter FD Story (Stories)
2021-02-27 - Ultimate Sacrifice Page Created
2021-02.27 - Portland Fire Ladders (Misc)
2021-02-27 - Life Net Story (Stories)
2021-02-25 - Gus Waterford (People)
2021-02-22 - Portland Fire Horses (Stories)
2021-02-21 - 1998 Fire Bond (Misc)
2021-02-21 - Safety First Page Added
2021-01-17 - Firefighter's Section @ Lone Fir Cemetery Added
2021-01-16 - Portland Firefighter's Association Page Added
2021-01-05 - Page Launched